According to a new survey by Bitkom, cybercrime is expected to cost the German economy over 200 billion euros for the third year in a row. Theft of IT equipment and data, as well as digital and industrial espionage and sabotage, will amount to an estimated 206 billion euros in damages in 2023.

Around 75% of surveyed companies suffered digital attacks in the past year. Over half said cyberattacks threaten their business existence. The number of companies affected has slightly declined, indicating protective measures are having an effect.

However, data theft and digital spying have increased compared to last year, with 70% of attacked companies having sensitive data stolen. As Bitkom President Ralf Wintergerst stated, the blurred lines between organized crime and state-controlled actors make Germany an attractive target.

In response, Sinan Selen, president of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, said they aim to strengthen cooperation, rapidly detect and react to attacks, and continuously adapt defense mechanisms.

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